Compare notepad++ plugin ignore case
Compare notepad++ plugin ignore case

compare notepad++ plugin ignore case

The first line contains the valid field names. The upload users file has fields separated by a comma (or other delimiter) ONLY - no space. How to bulk upload users and add to courses File formats for upload users file To keep maintenance work down you should first explore forms of authentication that do not require manual maintenance, such as connecting to existing external databases or letting the users create their own accounts ( Self enrolment).

compare notepad++ plugin ignore case

Tip: It is usually not necessary to upload users in bulk with Upload users. There are many options for uploading information (fields associated with a user) with this method: from enrolling users in multiple courses with course specific roles to updating user information in the User profile to deleting users from the site. 5.8 Allow suspending and activating of accounts.

Compare notepad++ plugin ignore case